Please first think about your mistakes
They said why educated and intellectual (middle class) people didn’t support their government .why you didn’t defend your government. they said when we(as system) are standing against Europe and US to preserve Iran nuclear peaceful(!)technology achievements why you are silent and only watch what we are doing .they said you must set up a software movement for defend your country, why you don’t write about Iran rights for achieving high technology .why don’t you complain about high technology Apartheid about Iran .
And I think
Maybe they are right but why should Iran stand for 27 years against US for nothing? Or why they lost chances for relation?
Why we are always waiting for a war or sanctions. I am really tired, I want to live as people in other country I want to use best technology in my life but because our leaders standing against US they cannot make chances for their people for a better life.
Why they are not thinking about their mistakes in theses years instead standing?