Tow side of a coin
First side
United state military budget is about 500 bilions of dollars . Iran and U.S are enemy for 28 years .
Iran tests missiles which priced hundred thousands of dollars because Iran's enemy have a 500 billion dollars budget and put its army near Iran's boarders .
Iranian official told that Iran have the least military budget among countries of region(?) .countries which are smaller than many cities of Iran . every year they buy billions dollars of military equipment from west because they are frightened from military of their neighbors especially Iran so they try to make the country and the regime more powerfully and put in a Palladium status by buying more weapons and fighter plane .
Other side
Every year many many of people suffer and died from poverty and starvation and diseases .
In Africa thin children for decades are subject of pictures which won top prize of photography completions
In Asia people of many country like North Korea or even India or Pakistan suffer from poverty.
I can feel more suffering in my own country .
in Iran many families live only with trifle government pension (is only 30$ in a month!).many people didn't get any social care service by government...
but still governments forced to spend more military budget because their existence threatened by their enemies (or at least they are suspicious about it.)
when and which ecumenical mechanism could cut this broken cycle ?
I am in a bad mood and so depressed these days (personally!)