Link dump

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Marche sur mes yeux

After about 2 or 3 years that i did not read any book ,last night i see a book which was a free Persian version of a book named "walk on my eyes",the book was originally publish in French in the publisher and writers publish the Persian version of it  freely on the internet.
Writers are tow western journalist who worked in Iran for years . They started a project about happy Iranians that they face  during the years that they worked in Iran  but their  project have a coincidence with what happened in Iran after last damn presidential election,the  book briefly introduce Iran society  ,it  covers most aspect of Iran from  leaders and politic to Iran's youth fever for a nose job or even how a Basiji thinks when he beats people on streets . the book  is so interesting and easy  for read, the reader really enjoy it , i really enjoy the sense of humor of writers about how they see Iranians and and their behavior . As i wrote the book was my first book that  i read after a long time and also i must added that i read the whole 444 pages from midnight to 5 a.m of morning,so weird,huh ? my first book and my first post on my blog after a long time!

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