Link dump

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stop all kind of sanction against Iran for democracy

after month of suspension ,the negotiation between Iran and 5+1 countries will begins in Geneva. Iran says we are not negotiated any more about our nuclear activity and in other side of  table 5+1 speak about more sanction and even a military attack if Iran didn't suspend its uranium enrichment . especially  US and EU threat Iran with tougher sanctions such as some limitations in importing gas and other oil product!!!  to Iran.

as an Iranian i  think there is no benefit in tougher sanction for both side , sanction has no power  to force Iran to suspend its nuclear activity and other demands of west from Iran for example about Iran position in middle east crisis and in other hand more sanction only affects in Iranian people life for example an expense  in their life and spread hate in Iranian society from west when people see sanction cause more plane crash and death of their friends or even when many youth see they cannot use and download many simple software because they see an error like “sorry you are from a forbidden country “.

so i  recommend west stop  all of kind of sanction against Iran  and give more initiative recommendations to Iranian  cause i believe an open relation with modern world cause an open society for Iranians  and then democracy for Iran and empower more  middle class people in Iranian society  people day by day. people  who  know aspects of modern life and know how to use technology  in a long term.


Daniel said...
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Daniel Leong said...

Hi Mr Yasser

My name is Daniel and I am undergraduate student at Singapore Management University. I am currently carrying out a project studying the media landscape in Iran, and would like to invite you to an online interview over email.

I would like to gather some of your insights about traditional and digital media usage in Iran, as well as issues such as the political scene and censorship.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your response.

Best Regards,

Daniel Leong
Singapore Management University

bach.chicken said...

Hi. My name is John. I am an American student studying the Middle East and Africa. I think your use of the English language is excellent. Your view on santions is very interesting. Do you feel that you are personally affected by sanctions? I am wondering what you think Iran would be like with a democracy.

I would feel honored if you would read my blog at:

Anonymous said...

Great post as for me. It would be great to read more concerning this matter.
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Anonymous said...

Your english is not terrible at all, the message is perfectly clear, hope azadi will be soon aziz

Unknown said...

Hello, I am a 23 year old Chinese student. (Your English is so much better then mine ,so no need to worry that I am going to judge your English.)

I really find it fascinating how you guys persist in fighting for freedom and liberty given to all the risk you are going to take. There is news about bloggers getting arrested. Are you afraid that you may get into trouble because of your posts which are against the government?

Besides, I found out we have a lot in common. I love most of the movies that you like. Animal Farm and Catcher in the ray are two books that rank high in my list. You may find this movie The Shawshank Redemption interesting.

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